PC Similar to the above bug, once Broken Steel is completed with the 'good' ending and your Vertibird lands back in the Citadel courtyard for Lyons' speech, the speech never occurs. Enter conversation and hey presto the game goes on! (Note this only works if you're both in the Citadel Laboratory). walking into him), then enter console and type enableplayercontrols and follow him 'til he finishes talking. A way to fix this is talking to Rothchild repeatedly (pushing 'E' nonstop), and pushing him towards the map (i.e. After asking Rothchild for an update on the situation, he tells you to follow him to the map, but he fails to lead you there, instead carrying on with his daily routine. PC After speaking to Elder Lyons about the events of the past two weeks, he directs you to Scribe Rothchild. It is unverified if it works on other causes for this problem. There is a 3rd party fix for if you are using a non-standard class which can be found at Fallout Nexus here. There are a couple possible causes like having weapons and armor you are not supposed to, or using a non-standard class. PC This can also happen if you send any character into the purifier control room, even yourself. It never came while trying to start the Purifier as Lone Wanderer or sending in Fawkes. Once she entered the Purifier, game gave a quest end confirmation "secure the control room". This might help: let Sarah start the Purifier.
After the ending movie, Lone Wanderer woke up at the Citadel, unable to move.
PC Finished the main game starting the Purifier with the main character. Unable to get up at Wake up after two weeks 1 Unable to get up at Wake up after two weeks.