As far as I can remember, only Sorcerers and Clerics can take the Mirrored Path of magic, though personally I know enough bugs with the game to play as four Paladins and have all four characters use all schools of magic (Self, Elemental, and Mirrored Path). I think membership costs 2k gold (per member, per guild). Light Guilds are open from 10am-2pm, while the Dark Guilds' hours are 10pm-2am. The Adept Guild for both is in Blackshire. Įrr, which of the three games are you playing? If VI, you can find the Initiate Guild of Dark in Whitecap (Frozen Highlands),the Initiate Guild of Light in Silver Cove. If you have any questions on VI, feel free to ask as I can most definitely answer/advise you on stuff there. I'm presuming your reference to a "dragon on the first island" is from MMVII, as you don't start VI on an island and there are no dragons there anyway. MMVI I think is the biggest of the three (not sure about VII, as I said I've not played it for aaaages), the least restrictive, and with the most little buggy things you can exploit. VIII I started years ago (when we first got it, presumably) but didn't finish, then instaled on my comp a few months ago and played through, finding it fun but surprisingly short.

I go back to MMVI every now and then - it's definitely my favourite of the three MM games I've played - VII I don't remember too much about, should probably get back to some day, but haven't played for years.

I can tell you a whole load of exploits that are to be had at certain points - mass cash, mass exp, secret teleport to Dragonsand from New Sorpigal (drops you near the Shrine of the Gods), hwo to have any character, of any class (except Knight, presumably, as they have no mana) learn every possible Magic skill (Fire, Mind, Dark, etc), even those they wouldn't normally be able to learn.and probably some other stuff too. Hmm, strange that MMVI wouldn't work for you - I've never had any problems with it (Vista atm and before that, ME, and before that.erm.'95 I think, or whatever comp we had back then).